Types Of SQL Injection Attacks - Blind Based Attacks
Well here we are, the last blog of this series. The last type of SQL injection attack to cover is blind based injection attacks. There are two types of Blind Based injection attacks, Boolean and time based. Let us focus on the Boolean and if the reader finds themselves curious, they can follow the link below how time based attacks work: https://app.pluralsight.com/library/courses/ethical-hacking-sql-injection Let's revisit our favorite site: http://www.site.com/table?column=x Let's say this site has a table that allows users to order the columns. When navigating to this table, the address changes to: http://www.site.com/table?order=column This table contains two creatively named columns: column column2 Utilizing our previous attacks (e.g. error and union based attacks) only returns a generic error. It seems our targeted web developers have become a little smarter and are starting to implement error handling for invalid queries. This still doesn't stop us fro...