
Showing posts from August, 2020

LDAP Vulnerabilities

Note** The following examples utilize Web for Penetration Testers which I do not own any rights to. These examples provide solutions to the live image of Web for Pentester 1 which can be downloaded at . Please attempt these exercises on your own before reviewing my solutions to gain maximum benefit.   Web for Penetration Testers Example 1 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) can be thought of as a hierarchical directory structure. Using the live iso of Web for Pentester 1 lab we can find that Open LDAP service is running by running performing a nmap scan from our kali box (attacking machine): Figure 1 Using the ldapsearch command with the -b (base dn [top of hierarchy in this case]) -LLL (print responses in LDIF format without comments or version) and -x (simple authentication) flags (-h specifies the host) from our kali box (see Figure 2), we see that there are three common names (cn) entries: admin, ...