Setting Up a Proxy to Protect Your Public IP (An Introduction to Proxies)
I recently purchased a static IP address. While this is great for setting up VPNs, websites, and other major benefits it bothered me that I normally visit CTFs and sites that contain malicious code to accomplish these CTF challenges. There had to be a way I could better protect my public IP from direct exposure in the event I did something stupid while surfing the web. This is where a proxies come into play. A proxy is exactly the same thing meant in the English language; think if computer A who set up the proxy wants to talk to computer C. An intermediary could be introduced (Proxy Server B) so that when computer C talks to computer A it has to go through Proxy Server B. Thus Computer C thinks its talking to Proxy Server B and only sees that IP address; when in reality all traffic is getting forwarded to computer A and vise versa. This creates a layer of abstraction. There are many types of proxies such as reverse proxies which is used mainly for public facing web sites. We are strict...